Friday, December 19, 2008


I have had the same dream twice now. More actually. Same sequence, same scenario, same actors; only, it's someone I know. He's in trouble and I'm supposed to go and help. Every time I awake from it, I think to myself, I should just call and talk to him but, and here's the rub; he'd laugh me out of town on a good day; more likely tell me to shove it where the sun don't shine. I decide to not say anything. I have the dream again. So I take the coward's route out, I tell text. Even then, it takes me forever to hit the 'send' button. That's how much his opinion means to me. While I'm hesitating my better half asks, "What if your dream comes true - you could have warned him and you didn't coz you were scared you'd ""look bad""." What the heck. I press send and go to bed. The next morning, a terse reply awaits me. I read it with some relief. It could have been worse. I could have done nothing. Hopefully, I'll sleep better tonight. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory. - Friedrich Engels

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