Thursday, December 18, 2008


You have to watch Fantasia, a friend tells me. It's like the never ending story of life!!! OK, I reply uncertain. I google it and find that Walt Disney did create an epic 2 and a half hour movie in the 50s or 60s called Fantasia and it was a flop! Such a huge flop in fact, it almost made him broke. That intrigues me. Why did he make it? Why did it not appeal to the masses. OF course now I must watch it, so I do. I must confess to my dear friend, I do not see the never-ending-story-of-life bit. What I do see and hear, and feel is the sheer joy of the creation of such a burst of self expression that my heart soars with each score. It's like riding a wave on the back of dolphins, or running through fields chasing butterflies. It reminds me of things in childhood long forgotten. Most of all, it reminds me that sometimes, you just gotta do stuff for the sheer heck of it. And damn the consequences. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Always be a little kinder than necessary. - James M. Barrie

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