Thursday, December 11, 2008


The cigarette smoking caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland asks Alice, over and over, who are you? Well, it should be obvious who you are, isn't it? It is who I am not.... Well, no not quite. It is who You are... Yes, but who are you? Well, you are you that others recognize as not being them! Right?...? Oh bother! I sit here and ponder the question. Who I am is... is... is... oh, I know... a spirit encased in a body. Yes, but who is spirit? And how is that uniquely Me? Is Me spirit different from You spirit?... Well, if I was You spirit, I'd look like you wouldn't I?... well now I've got myself in a knot... I'll start again. I am a child of God. well, that's a what, not a who. Child of, sister to, mother to, wife of, coach... you get the drift. I find myself in a bit of a conundrum so in a huff, I think to myself, what does it matter that I cannot define me. You know me. I know me. Or do I? THOUGHT FOR THE DAY So, W-H-O... R... U, really?

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