Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We figure out that after a morning hard at work at baby gym, then the post office, someone else should cook our food so we stop at a food court. A man is sitting with a 2 year old on his lap and a 9 month old on a baby seat. He is trying to feed them. They are trying to eat. None are having much success at achieving their goal, mostly because none is going at the pace of the other. He is clearly overwhelmed... and famished. We sit down at the next table and we both watch in sympathy. Finally, I volunteer, "Why not put your two year old across the table from my two year old. That way they'll keep each other company while they eat." He looks at my face, probably to assess my virtue. I smile. He is exhausted and so I see his numbskulls kicking his mouth into saying "ok". His two year old and mine have a competition eating, making funny faces and wiping their mouths with napkins. The man now has a new self-imposed task; to feed his 9 month old. Being a 'model dad', he picks up the baby and puts him on his lap, holds him in what must be a version of the heimlich and tries to stuff grub down the poor little dear. The poor little dear is not going down without a fight and sprays daddy dearest with his every breath. We watch in sympathy...for daddy. Even the two year olds can tell daddy's not winning. Finally I volunteer, "Has it occured to you that maybe he's not very hungry right now?" Daddy pauses. "You think?" I have to laugh. "Why not give him a rice cake. If he wants to eat, he'll gulf it down, if not, he'll throw it. Either way that'll be your cue." Daddy gives junior a rice cake. Junior promptly tosses it to the ground. Daddy reaches for the spoon. Junior looks at me. I look at Daddy. Daddy asks, "are you sure he isn't hungry? It's 12.30. He should be eating." I ask him what he thinks. He pauses in deep thought... "I don't think he is" and puts the spoon away. Junior looks at me in gratitude. How do I know? He has a big smile albeit streaked with spit food and tear trails. Pretty soon baby is gurgling away, toddler is fed and daddy is exhaled. Daddy is sso thrilled. You women are so strong! You have such a way with children! ... He invites us to meet mummy at the pharmacy where she's hard at work. We decline gracefully. We've done our angel deed of the day. We walk away with halos on our heads and little bulges on our backs where the wings are hidden under thick winter coats. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Fall in joy with me as I rise to love you. For you are me, and I am you, and the we that I am rejoices in seeing the we that you are.

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