Saturday, January 05, 2008


Every year, we do it. Promise to eat healthily, smoke less, lose weight... then somewhere along the way, we lose our resolve.
Or even 'better', we resolve never to make any new year's resolutions because it sounds so silly and we are tired of promising ourselves something we will not fulfill. It's easier this way, we think. At least we won't be disappointed... but then, we won't have tried...
I thought about making a new year's resolution and wondered why I should bother. Then it hit me. Because new year resolutions are our promise to ourself to really embrace life in its full, to start afresh, to walk on the wild side, to truly express ourselves. And I realised something. That a size 8 waist, the extra serving of vegetables, giving up chocolate, etc, that's not truly motivating, however good I'll look, or even great I'll feel [if starvation is a look or feel I enjoy... not! Sorry honey...].
But ticking off one thing from my 'Things to do Before I Die' list, now that's worth pursuing. Heck, that's worth resolving.
So this year, there's no planned weight loss program, no guilt at the extra serving of icecream, no cramming disgusting stuff down my throat because it is 'good for me'. No siree!! This year, I'm resolved to pursue something even harder to attain - happiness. And to have fun doing it...
Don't die with your music still in you - Wayne Dyer

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