Wednesday, August 08, 2012


Yes, it is me. I know it's been a long time and I apologise. the best laid plans of men and mice, and all that jazz.
I had the most wonderful evening. I was invited by Alvin Gachie to speak to the KUZA club of the Kenya Law Students Society - a club that promotes mentorship between law students and lawyers.
A group of about 50-60 students, mainly third year students came along and very graciously gave me two and a half hours of audience and I say gracious because they have 2 weeks to their end of semester exams and I can remember how precious time would become around exam time (especially as I had not been studying before...ahem, ahem).
Part of the topic was autobiographical, who I am, how I got here etc etc. I thought I had it figured out until I started talking and I realised something, I have been blessed with a really amazing, abundant life. Yes, I have worked hard to get here and it is a brilliant place to be.
Here's the other thing I got tonight though, is that everyone in that room has everything they need to make their life as amazing, as successful, as satisfying as they wish - if they choose.
Inspired by all the people who came out tonight, challenged by those who dared me to write more and especially by George M, a young man of extraordinary talent - here is my first On Yet Another Ordinary Day blog in over two years.
You inspire me.
I honour you.

(c) Renee Ngamau

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