Saturday, December 13, 2008


Hurrah!!!! The garage is finally gone!!! If you ever came to our home, you'd have noticed at the bottom of our garden an old rickety garage. Now the bit that most people forget to remind you about before you undertake this kind of project is that you must get all the stuff out of said garage before demolition thereof, and seven years worth of stuff for a compulsive hoarder e. g. yours truly adds up to a whole heap o' junk. And that takes a whole lotta time - the kiondo aunty so-and-so gave you; the futon you may use again in the future, the bikes that are now seldom ridden; the skates that were hardly worn but still, hey, you never know... Boxes and boxes of books some unread, bought to be opened in some future time, squirreled away like nuts for the winter that may come, extra plates and cups just in case we suddenly need to feed the village ... Then we came across the song in the link below.. and decided it was time to let go. Let go of the has beens, the were-funs; the maybees, of the perhaps-es; get rid of the could-haves and the one-days. All those things taking up room in the garage, hoarding up memories, sentiments, emotions and energies of a past and of a future that is already part determined by their very presence. And like the man in the song, we got rid of one bag... and felt ourselves grow. Grow ever so lightly lighter and maybe a little taller... but no, that is just our imagination. But then, we dumped some more stuff... and grew a little lighter yet... then I went into my closet and took out clothes I had not worn in years, and took them down to the charity shop...yes folks, I am sure I'm not making it up, I do feel lighter indeed... And so now, I am racing through the house in search of things to get rid of. Is it because they are no longer precious? No, it is in fact because they are. They are laden with my history; drenched with my memories; soaking up my energy - they must go. For if I am to be free, I must truly be, light enough to lift off and fly. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Then, tentatively, another...

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